Before & After Gallery – Buttocks Augmentation

High Definition Vaser Liposuction

Buttocks augmentation using buttock implants may be required when adequate fat is not available for harvest to achieve desired buttocks augmentation results. Using a buttocks assessment tool and evaluation of available fat reserves, Dr. Mowlavi is able to tailor your buttocks augmentation journey.

Dr. Mowlavi may recommend implant augmentation, fat transfer augmentation, or even both depending on the size and shape of buttocks desired. When both are used for augmentation, the buttocks implant is positioned over the central cheek to provide maximum projection and fat grafting is transferred laterally to maximize buttocks and hip width.

Finally, patients who demonstrate buttocks skin sagging that cannot be fully accommodated with above buttocks cheek filling maneuvers may be recommended to undergo a simultaneous lateral thigh and buttocks tucking procedure. This procedure involves a direct excision of redundant skin strategically positioned to allow for framing of the upper buttocks cheek. Using the above buttocks contouring maneuvers, all patients can be ensured to achieve optimal buttocks size and shape. We encourage you to evaluate the buttocks implant augmentation and buttocks before and after results to appreciate the results that you can achieve.

Buttocks Augmentation before and after photos– What to Look For

Buttocks augmentation before and after outcomes must be evaluated with respect to improvement in buttock size and shape, elimination of skin wrinkles otherwise known as cellulite, and improvements in the frame around the buttock cheeks. Buttocks size and shape is dictated by patients’ unique desires based on their choice on the buttock assessment tool. Buttocks augmentation will typically require fat transfer but sometimes even require butt liposuction. Elimination of buttock and posterior thigh wrinkles can be more challenging since filling of the buttock may not be able to fill in and eliminate buttock skin redundancy. As such, strategic lateral thigh and buttock tuck procedures can be used to literally tuck up the upper butt and lower back and flanks. This tuck transfer to ideal elimination for the lower butt and posterior thigh cellulite. In summary, prospective patients are encouraged to evaluate the buttock size and shape in the setting of the entire body contour. This consideration must provide for contoured lower back and flanks as well as the lateral thighs that demonstrate smooth transitions with the filled in buttocks cheeks.

Before & After Photos

A 35 year-old female following VASER high definition liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, back and BBL. This patient demonstrates a jump from 8 to 9-10 points.

A 35-year-old female following Vaser hd liposuction of the belly, thighs, fat grafting to the  breast and buttocks, Renuvion of the thighs, back and butt. This patient demonstrates a jump from 8 to 9-10 points.

A 36-year-old female following VASER high definition liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, back, thighs and BBL. This patient demonstrates a jump from an 8 to 9-10 points.

A 28-year-old female following a Brazilian Butt Lift and VASER liposuction of the abdomen, back, and flanks.

A 23-year-old female following VASER high definition liposuction of the flanks, thighs, back, and BBL.

A 46-year-old female following VASER high definition liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening on the back, flanks, abdomen, medial thighs and BBL. This patient demonstrates a jump from 6 to 9-10 points.

A 40-year-old female following high definition liposuction of the upper back, lower back, flanks, with fat grafting to the buttock and Renuvion of the upper back.

A 30-year-old female patient following VASER high definition liposuction of the back, flanks and BBL. This patient demonstrates a jump from an 8 to 9-10 points.

A 27-year-old female following a VASER high definition liposuction to the middle and lower back, flanks, and BBL.

A 21-year-old female following VASER high definition liposuction of the upper and lower back, flanks, lower lateral thighs, and fat grafting to the lateral buttocks and lateral hips as well as buttocks implant augmentation. This patient demonstrates a jump from 7 to 9-10 points.

A 41-year-old female after high definition liposuction of the back, lower back, flanks, and fat grafting to the buttocks with buttock implant placement and bilateral thigh and buttocks tuck.

A 50-year-old female following VASER high definition liposuction of the flanks, lower back, middle back, upper back, medial thighs, arms, BBL, Renuvion of the back, arms, medial thighs.

A 29-year-old female following a lateral thigh and buttock tuck and high definition liposuction of the flanks and back.

A 26-year-old female following VASER high definition liposuction of the back, flanks and BBL. This patient demonstrates a jump from a 7 to 9-10 points.

A 48-year-old female after a total body lift and high definition liposuction of the back, flanks, lateral thighs, and fat transfer to buttocks.

A 38-year-old female from following high definition liposuction of the back, flanks, and fat transfer to the buttocks. This patient demonstrates a jump from 7 to 9-10 points.

Book a Consultation

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, a superior surgical plan must take into account your vision and your expectations. To understand the value of a customized approach, you need to book a consultation.

When Dr. Mowlavi meets with you to learn about your needs, he'll explain his propriety breast lift technique that ensures you get the best possible result. Once he knows your precise surgical needs and which implants are perfect for you, he can determine the cost of your procedure and give you a quote.

Book today to get your personalized results!

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