Avoiding Eyelid Surgery Complications

Avoiding Eyelid Surgery Complications

Avoiding Eyelid Surgery Complications

The eyes are the “windows” to your soul; this fact alone is enough to demonstrate why we must avoid any and ALL deformities/complications during surgery. This is why Dr. Mowlavi, has spent an entire career studying the anatomy of the eyelid and designing his blepharoplasty surgeries to avoid deformities and possible eyelid surgery complications. The globe of the eye is a complicated organ that is maneuvered by six major independent muscle groups. Of the above muscle groups, the inferior oblique and superior oblique muscles are the most commonly injured muscles during blepharoplasty.

In an attempt to minimize the eyelid surgery complications and risk of injury to these muscles, Dr. Mowlavi has completed anatomic studies identifying the position of these muscles using bony anatomic landmarks in order to help surgeons avoid injury to these muscles. Furthermore, over the last decade, Dr. Mowlavi has been analyzing the forces that cause ectropion; this complication results in pulling of the lower eyelid down onto your cheek, exposing the white of your eye and making your look like a bloodhound. In order to avoid this complication, Dr. Mowlavi has designed a unique maneuver to divert the vertical and downward pull placed on the eyelid in traditional blepharoplasty thus lower the risk of eyelid surgery complications. It is critical to avoid this complication as it can adversely affect your facial aesthetics and compromise the “window” to your soul.

How Dr. Mowlavi Minimizes Complications

First, Dr. Mowlavi summarized the risk factors for ectropion that patients might possess so that they can make a more informed decision regarding undergoing this procedure. The risk factors for developing ectropion are:

1) An enlarged eye globe, termed exophthalmos
2) Loose eyelid skin especially at the eyelash level, termed the eyelid margin
3) Lack of generous cheekbones, termed a negative Jelk’s vector

eyelid surgery complications

If you have any of the above risk factors, you will have to consider a more invasive lower eyelid blepharoplasty, where an expert tightens the eyelid margin to counter the added inferior vertical pull of your eyelid skin so that you don’t develop an ectropion or any eyelid surgery complications.

The risk factor to ectropion results from the downward pull of the eyelid margin following the excision of vertical skin redundancy. In order to avoid this pull, Dr. Mowlavi has redesigned the excision of this skin in a more oblique vertical orientation. Thus the pull on the eyelid margin is transferred laterally on the lateral orbit instead of the eyelid margin, thereby minimizing the risk of ectropion and avoid eyelid surgery complications.


To determine if you could take advantage of this affordable procedure, please fill out the contact form to the right.

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