Por qué los pacientes con abdominoplastia completa se beneficiarán más de la liposucción HD

Por qué los pacientes con abdominoplastia completa se beneficiarán más de la liposucción HD

Why Full Tummy Tuck Patients Will Most Benefit From HD Liposuction

HDL body scale male
HDL body scale female


The Goal of HD Liposuction

High definition liposuction strives to achieve a PERFECT 10 body. In order to create this 10 grade, your surgeon must consider your pre-op HD Liposuction Body Scale grade. Both the degree of excess fat, as well as the amount of redundant skin and quality of the skin as shown above determine the HD Lipo Body Scale grade. Therefore, the major limiting factor that prevents patients with a score of a 2 to 5 from getting to a 9 or 10 followings VASER Liposuction is the redundancy and quality of their skin.

How Tummy Tuck Patients Benefit From HD Liposuction

Patients who have undergone a full tummy tuck will typically raise their HDL body scale score from a 2 to 5 to a 7 to 8 grade. The tucking procedure will reduce moderate to severe skin redundancy as well as eliminate poor, textured skin. However, it does not address residual excess fat that cannot be simultaneously removed. Patients that have undergone a tummy tuck are left with surgically created contour irregularity in the lower abdominal region. This is due to the natural contraction of the surgical incision or seems line. HD Liposuction provides tummy tuck patients the opportunity to correct all contour irregularities as well as any residual adiposity in order to transform patients into aesthetic beauty recognized by an HD lipo grade scale of 9 to 10.


tummy tuck dr.laguna
A 51-year-old female following high definition liposuction of the abdomen. Procedure resulted in improved over all contour with resolution of lower abdominal incision line tightness.
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